
Yoko, because YOLO! Go on, adopt this cutie! Yoko is a 2 year old, 9 lbs Yorkie mix looking for his best buddy. Yoko is dog friendly, rides well in a car, and sleeps perfectly soundly at night with his foster mom…in the bed, of course. Yoko is a friendly, sweet, fun boy and while […]


We’d like to introduce you to Maelani, whose name means heavenly flower. It’s maybe not the most fitting name in the history to dog naming, but it’s what she came with. It would be so wonderful if this 8 lbs scruff could talk to us and tell us what she’s seen. She’s a reserved, independent, […]


Junee is the perfect sweet treat for summer! 🌞 At 1-2 years old and just 8 lbs, this adorable little terrier is the ultimate blend of fun, sweetness, and companionship. Junee adores her humans and spending time with them. Her favorite activities include showering people with hugs and kisses, Netflix marathons (with cuddles, of course), […]


Terry, oh Terry! This adorable, scruffy guy with the satellite ears is ready to find his forever home. Terry loves his humans and he follows them from room to room. He does play favorites and quickly chose his mama when he got to foster care. Terry enjoys tossing his toys around and snuggling up for […]


One song comes to mind as I begin to compose a bio for our boy Simba, and it’s not from the Lion King Soundtrack. Sure he’s adorable and cute with an unmistakable lion’s mane. He’s mighty and in charge much like his namesake. Snuggly and sweet, too. But no, no Lion King soundtrack. The song […]