
Mighty Mo is an 8-week-old, male, Boston Terrier/Shih Tzu mix. This playful, energetic guy is looking for a fun and adventurous home. He’s from a reservation in New Mexico.


Curly is a 10 week old, male, Boston Terrier/Shih Tzu mix from a reservation in New Mexico. This energetic, playful, and curious guy is looking for a home with plenty of things to do. Curly is on the shy side and he will do best in a home with other doggie friends.


Larry is a super fun, playful, outgoing boy! He’s estimated at 10 weeks old and true to his Boston Terrier roots, he’s go, go, go. Larry’s mom is guessed to be a Boston/Shih Tzu mix. He’s from a reservation in New Mexico as part of an accidental litter. Not to worry, mom was spayed!


Monkey is a 20 lbs, 1 year old guy. He looks like a Tibetan Terrier mix best we can tell! Monkey likes to monkey around. He doesn’t climb trees though, nope that’s not his style. Monkey climbs fences! He’s a master of it! Although, he tends to do it just to get where his person […]